Thursday, September 4, 2008

the table pt. 2

oh how neglectful i am. as i was posting the last entry, i couldn't help but think that i was missing a reason as to why i had chosen the table as the name for the church. as it turns out, i did forget a major reason for choosing "the table" as the name.

the reason i forgot is that i want this church to be known for its celebration of the Lord's table. i believe that the Lord's table is the physical symbol or representation of the gospel. 1 corinthians 11:26 says "for every time you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes." in other words by participating in the Lord's supper we actually share the gospel with those around us. because of this i believe that the gospel needs to be presented not only verbally, but also physically to those who attend my church who may not be Christ-followers. so what better way to state your intentions to celebrate the Lord's table than to name yourself after it?!

so anyway, forgive my forgetfulness and and add this to the other reasons why i want to call my church "the table."

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